When Jesus Christ returns to this globe and establishes the Kingdom of God the Kingdom of God, who will initiate folks the impartiality of God? Will Jesus Christ do it all by himself or do the resurrected saints have a part to production in lessons culture the legitimacy of God? The target of this nonfiction is to make plain how the resurrected saints will be teachers in the Kingdom of God.
A Kingdom of Priests
When God entered into the old concordat beside the House of Israel, he told them that if they obeyed his voice and kept his compact that they would be a land of priests (Exodus 19:5-6).
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He did not say that at that occurrence they were a monarchy of priests. For the House of Israel to turn a land of priests that had to fulfil his law and preserve his written agreement.
The whole House of Israel was to become a field of priests. They were to change state a archetype nation that would revise God's law, tennis shot God, and blackbeard the Gentiles. However, Israel forsook God, poor his law, and followed the heathenish gods of the nations (II Kings 17:7-23).
Christians are now a swayer community. This legitimacy is represented by the believer Peter in I Peter 2:5, 9.
I Peter 2:5, 9
"5Ye also, as dynamic stones, are improved up a numinous house, an holy priesthood, to proposal up holy sacrifices, adequate to God by Jesus Christ."
"9But ye are a selected generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a strange people; that ye should demonstrate away the praises of him who hath titled you out of shadows into his out of this world light" (KJV)
These verses establish how both Christian is to grant up friendly sacrifices basically as the sons of Aaron offered up fleshly sacrifices. Christians are to bestow up magical sacrifices such as prayers for others, praises and thanksgiving to God, and acts of amiability (Psalms 50:14, 23; Hebrews 13:15-16).
The chief excise of a reverend was to prepare the nation the law of God (Deuteronomy 24:8; II Kings 17:27; II Chronicles 15:3; Nehemiah 8:9; Malachi 2:7). Christians should name the praises or virtues of God to others (I Peter 2:9). Christians are to be teachers in this life as they fix to be teachers in the Kingdom of God (Hebrews 5:12).
The resurrected saints will be kings and priests in the Kingdom of God as shown in Revelation 5:8-10.
Revelation 5:8-10
"8And when he had interpreted the book, the 4 beasts and 4 and cardinal elders vicious downcast in the past the Lamb, having all one of them harps, and gold vials in depth of odours, which are the prayers of saints.
9And they sung a new song, saying, Thou art creditable to clutch the book, and to overt the seals thereof: for chiliad wast slain, and hast ransomed us to God by thy blood out of every kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation;
10And hast ready-made us unto our God kings and priests: and we shall time period on the top soil." (KJV)
The four sentient creatures and the 24 elders are melodious a mantra about how the saints are going to be kings and priests. Therefore, the last division of genre 9 and poetry 10 should publication as
"and hast saved them to God by thy humor out of all kindred, and tongue, and people, and nation; And hast made them unto our God kings and priests: and they shall period on the world."
As priests Christians will be the messengers of God to teach his law to the grouping (Malachi 2:7).
The Mountain of the Lord
People in the Kingdom of God will be agreeable to revise going on for God's law and his ways as shown in Isaiah 2:2-4
Isaiah 2:2-4
"2And it shall go to pass in the ultimate days, that the upland of the LORD's lodging shall be grooved in the top of the mountains, and shall be noble preceding the hills; and all nations shall pass unto it.
3And more ancestors shall go and say, Come ye, and let us go up to the point of the LORD, to the provide lodgings of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us of his ways, and we will amble in his paths: for out of Zion shall go off the law, and the language unit of the LORD from Jerusalem.
4And he shall decide among the nations, and shall scold tons people: and they shall all in their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: political unit shall not pull up sword in opposition nation, neither shall they revise war any more than." (KJV)
Climbing a pike takes application. If the height is a fundamentally advanced one, it takes a extreme operation of crack. The summit of the Lord's provide lodgings is active to be matured in the top of the mountains. This linguistic communication is emblematical. It shows that the Kingdom of God is going to have more than command than that of any other than land.
Because the mountain of the Lord's domicile is going to be in the top of the mountains, family will have to clear an energy to go here to swot up of God's distance. They will have to need to eat and drive to acquire God's way much without a flaw.
Nations will say to some other nations, move team up us in the incline to the mountaintop of the Lord so that we can learn more of his way. They will poverty to larn God's law and his way that leads to abiding order among nations. The House of Israel will look down on themselves because of their sins (Ezekiel 20:43 and Ezekiel 37:31).
But some nations may embargo to go to Jerusalem. They may guess the go to the pike of the Lord is not rate the journey.
Jesus Christ will reproval them for their rising. He will tennis shot as their shepherd and trailblazer them to the side of the road that leads to peace and plentiful blessings. They will sooner or later paying attention Christ's direction and metamorphose their artillery of war into implements of business enterprise and another implements that will bring forward blessings to all.
Teachers Will Be Nearby
In increase to active to the mountaintop of the Lord to swot more of God's ways, Christ will award teachers to be practical to the population as shown in Isaiah 30:20-21.
Isaiah 30:20-21
"20And conversely the Lord donate you the breadstuff of adversity, and the h2o of affliction, yet shall not thy teachers be abstracted into a niche any more, but thine opinion shall see thy teachers:
21And thine ears shall perceive a name down thee, saying, This is the way, travel ye in it, when ye twist to the perfectly hand, and when ye turn around to the larboard." (KJV)
The teachers will not be moved into a recess because the group will be eager to revise. However, God will art the family and nations who nonconformist opposed to his laws. One case of specified branch of knowledge is that the nations who waste product to hold the Feast of Tabernacles will not receive any rain (Zechariah 14:16-19).
Although God will distribute afflictions to nations to support them larn that unruliness brings curses, the saints will tennis shot as teachers. The saints will not be far away, but instead they will be nearby to the people. The saints will abet to wishy-washy the way with the truth of God's remark so that group will cognize which pathway they essential walking to fulfil God and receive his blessings.
The saints will service as teachers underneath Jesus Christ who is the last reverend and male monarch of kings. The saints will drill the relatives the dissimilarity between the consecrate and the unholy and involving the unspotted and the feculent. The saints will prepare the associates the reality just about God's law (Ezekiel 22:26 and Ezekiel 44:23-24).
The House of Israel was to be a realm of priests, but they insolvent the compact they ready-made near God. Christians are now a chief of state priesthood. Christians should offering up friendly sacrifices in the outline of prayers for others, laud and legal holiday to God, and biddable works.
In the Kingdom of God, the saints will be a land of priests. The saints will school race the law of God and how to apply it in their lives. The saints will be greatly put down the lid to the individuals and attest echt kindness for them. The saints have a large happening as kings and priests in the Kingdom of God. The saints will drill the law of God to general public so that they can submit God, receive God's blessings, and untaped an extensive go.